Rayme Geidl, MD
“Most of my adult life I’ve had a personal interest in how nutrition impacts overall health, but it wasn’t until around 2009 that finding additional medical training became a mission for me. I clearly remember the moment. It was at the University of Idaho Student Health Clinic, talking to a 20-year-old who was faced with potentially starting medication for high cholesterol and diabetes. This patient knew these medical problems were related to her struggle with weight control. When I was asked to give a specific plan for how she could manage her weight and avoid medication, I didn’t really have one. I felt inadequate and not confident in my recommendations.
I walked out of that exam room and resolved to find better answers. It seemed there had to be research and training available to educate me in something more than prescribing additional medication. Though I was convinced that medicine was an essential tool, it certainly wasn’t “fixing” anyone’s cholesterol or blood sugar problems and generally wasn’t making patients actually feel any better. That day I began extensive research for training. I found a course training physicians in nutrition and integrative medicine, and enrolled on the spot.
That first conference opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities for my patients. Learning about metabolic physiology was fascinating and I was immediately hooked. This was when I learned about Medical Bariatrics. I was aware of bariatric surgery, but at that time had no idea there were non-surgical, medical specialists in the field.
I began implementing what I had learned and gave patients better counseling with specific nutritional advice. I continued my studies, and the more I learned, the clearer it became that I needed to develop a more organized, “programmed” way of helping my patients. To accomplish this I joined the American Society of Bariatric Physicians (now known as the Obesity Medicine Association) and continued to further my education through numerous conferences and courses. I began to comprehend how truly complex the disease process of obesity is. By 2011 I was ready to develop a formal Medical Bariatrics clinic. I joined Moscow Medical where this vision was shared and the venture was fully supported. In 2012, I made the decision to seek expert certification and began preparing for the American Board of Obesity Medicine. Successfully passing this exam required about two additional years of studying and training.
After receiving my American Board of Obesity Medicine board certification in 2013, the next step was to open a practice dedicated to Medical Bariatrics…something I’ve dreamt about for many years. Northwest Metabolic Medicine is that practice, and I am proud and excited to offer my patients the most innovative, comprehensive Medical Bariatrics clinic in the area.”
–Rayme Geidl, MD
Dr. Geidl grew up in nearby Troy, Idaho and graduated from the University of Idaho with a BS in Zoology. She earned her MD degree from the University of Nevada School of Medicine and completed Family Medicine residency training in Spokane, Washington. She then spent 3 years working in a Community Health Clinic in Spokane before returning to Moscow in 2004. Dr. Geidl is board certified in Family Medicine, and has been a member of the Obesity Medicine Association since 2011.
She was one of only 158 doctors in the nation to successfully pass the American Board of Obesity Medicine exam in 2013 and is the only Obesity Medicine physician practicing full-time Metabolic and Obesity Medicine in Idaho north of the Boise metropolitan area.